New message from the WSLA President!!

Read the 2024 WSLA Annual Letter
from May, 2024
Click Here

Read the 2024 Annual Meeting Notes from June 24th Click Here

White Sand Lake Association Merchandise. Available until July 19th
Click Here

Our passion for the quality of our lake and its future is expressed through our continued outreach, restoration, and research.


The Association is devoted to the restoration and continued preservation of the highest water quality and environmental standards achievable, promotion of the responsible use of land and water resources and recreational safety for everyone using White Sand Lake.


Help us keep White Sand LAke Clean and healthy.

Make a Donation today to the white sand lake association

Your donation allows WSLA to bATTLE
the Spread of Eurasian Watermilfoil in our lake.

Use the link below if you are a visitor, GUest of a resident, local business owner; to help us keep the lake clean and healthy. thank you!


To learn more about the milfoil spread and effective long-range plan to get it under control.