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Welcome to our Social Committee Page

Committee Chair is Jennifer Pedersen
My name is Jennifer Pedersen.  I have been on the White Sand Lake Board for the past three years. 

In those years, I have helped with membership mailings, hosted at our home two annual meetings and tried to find ways of supporting our lake association and learning how to protect our beautiful body of water.  All important tasks, but all along I have been hoping for a little more structure.  The time has come to move into a more organized role.

As Social Committee Chair, I hope to develop an active committee who will be responsible for planning and implementing fun, educational and relationship building activities for all ages.

These are some of the possible ideas on my list.

  • Welcome to our lake information baskets for those who move onto our lake.

  • Develop a 4th of July Boat Parade protocol.

  • Develop a duty list for the Annual Meeting and Picnic.  – Do a White Sand Lake Fish Fry for the picnic.

  • Set up dates and gather places for Sunday social time on the lake. – Have a social flag hoisted on boat?

  • Set up dates and gather place for the winter months. 

What ideas might you bring to such a group? Structuring a Social Committee will be a fun task as soon as we are able to meet again.  Will you join?   

Jennifer Pedersen (Social Committee Chair)

upload your Pictures to our facebook page

You may not be aware that WSLA has a facebook page Click Here to view it.

We encourage you to share your pictures and stories of your family, friends and neighbors enjoying WSL with us. Our goal is to grow our lake community together and share our enjoyable moments with each other. Your pictures will be shared on our website as well in the new photo gallery.