April Meeting Agenda

Date: April 19, 2020
Time: 7:12 pm
Location: Google Meet

Board members present: Brian Wallace, Bob Nelson, Dan Larson, Lauren Beilke, Matt Pecarich, Derek Hendrickson, Jennifer Pedersen, Mike Bialka, Bill Samardich

Approval of March meeting minutes: Bob moved, second by Bill, motion carried unanimously

President’s report

Bylaws and Mission Statement

Mission Statement: The purpose of the association is to preserve and protect White Sand Lake and its surroundings, to enhance the water quality, fishery, boating safety, and aesthetic values of White Sand Lake as a public recreational facility for today and for future generations while respecting the interests of property owners and the public and to provide the opportunity for fellowship among Association members.

Motion for approval: Lauren moved, Jennifer second, motion carried unanimously

Delivery of letter and response: Last weekend Brian drove/walked around lake, dropped off letters in every lake resident’s mailbox, was hoping for great response, only 45 responses

COVID-19 and how that affects WSLA: What WSLA can and can’t do because of pandemic

Board reports

Bob Nelson (Treasurer): Switching banks saves $5 month, annual cost is $312 for website.
Motion to obtain debit card, cap amount of money that can be withdrawn, can’t exceed any budgeted amount: 

Jennifer moves, Loren second, motion carried unanimously

Jennifer requests $300 for social committee

Budget $600 short
Budget approval: Loren moves, Jennifer seconded, motion carried unanimously

Dan Larson (AIS): Need people to dive. Any new information since last meeting: Dan talked to Chuck Rodger, Dan talking to dive school, get volunteer divers to help us, plan is for Tim Plude of DNR to do some dive training, Tim has to give his blessing, probably need at least 4 divers, Lauren volunteers to dive, Dan will work with Tim

Lauren Beilke (Water Level/Shoreline Care): Water level report: Water flowing into culvert, water level dropping ¼- to ⅓-inch per day, level going down, about 3 inches down from peak in spring, water probably flowing from WSL back into RSL, wetland next to Loren is full, people boats barreling through there, 3-4 fishing boats a night back in wetland, reed beds decreasing in wetland, WSL varies about 9 feet, Lauren said to delete Laurel Mezner from committee, Lauren said he needs to involve Hal Leland more 

Matt Pecarich (Membership): Need many people to help out, had some logos made up, emailed logos to Brian, South Long Lake pays $515 to $850 for 6x8 signs on fire number signs, signs are aluminum

Monday, June 15, set as date for annual meeting

Signage costs for member residents: Do we have an approximate cost per sign?

Membership drive plan (date, volunteers, neighborhood breakdown)

Can we do this with the pandemic?

Derek Hendrickson (Fishery/Water Quality): Derek had conversation with Baccaglucci (spelling?), lives on Memorywood Drive?, have him in charge of fisheries committee since he lives on lake, he has access to resources and info, there is historical data on WSL dating back to 1950s, northerns stocked initially, walleye stocked since, lake healthy, 131 pounds from 512 pounds of walleye stocking quota for 4 years, will not be stocking this fall due to pandemic

Jennifer Pedersen (Social): 

Annual summer meeting organization: We should probably plan for a webinar or something instead of a gathering?

4th of July boat parade: Can we still do this?

Discussion about welcome basket for new residents, WSLA garage sale

Involvement of Red Sand residents into association? Brian Twamley?, Trevor Walters?

Jennifer: submitted blurb for website what committee hopes to do, put in 4th of July photos from 2019, working on welcome baskets to new residents, voluntary lake-wide garage sale, proposes fishing in morning, fry up fish for annual meeting, talked to Dee Hoffman about RSL Association they had, it’s now defunct, Dee was secretary of RSL Association, Larry Kellerman was president of RSL Association, 

Bill Samardich (Communications): 

Website development
Website update and demo
Online payments for membership (Should we name different levels of membership or just acknowledge on our website for those that contribute more than the base membership level?)
When should we go active with this?
What is left to be done for the site and who can submit info?
Brochure style information for membership drive
Informing members about lawn pollutants/fireworks/rubber balloons etc.
Needs for our lake
Information on how to become a member and why
Get picture of board members to Bill

Website address: whitesandlakemn.org/home 
May 15 Target date to launch website

Loren moved, Bill seconded, motion to adjourn carried unanimously, 9:04 p.m.