November Meeting Agenda

NOV. 18, 2019

Click HERE to see the powerpoint presentation

12 lake residents present: Brian Wallace, Bill Samardich, Dan Larson, Hal Leland, Mike Bialka, Bud Reponen, Matt Pecarich, MIchael Zauhar, Chuck Rodgers, Jennifer Pedersen, Loren Beilke, Bob Nelson

Suggestion made by Loren to incorporate Red Sand Lake residents into WSLA since Red Sand and White Sand affect each other.

Board Structure:
New board installation:
Brian Wallace: President
Dan Larson: Past President
Mike Bialka: Secretary
Bob Nelson: Treasurer

Board Members:

AIS: Dan Larson
Membership:Matt Pecarich
Social: Jennifer Pedersen
Fishery/Water Quality: Derek Hendrickson
Communications: Bill Samardich
Water Level/Shoreline Care: Loren Beilke

Moved by Chuck Rodgers, second by Michael  Zauhar, to accept the proposal that new members serve 2-year board terms. Motion carried unanimously.

Committee Structure/Discussion:

Aquatic Invasive Species: Discussion that invasive species are not only in front of public access. There are random plants around the lake. Discussion about hiring a group of professional weed pullers but was informed that is extremely expensive. AIS prevention will likely cost WSLA more each year since it’s an ongoing issue. Discussion to communicate to all lake residents the problem with AIS, that many lake residents don’t realize that AIS is present and can spread. Possibility of putting buoys marking AIS was discussed as was putting written notification about AIS on billboard at public access.

Membership: Discussed possibility of residents who are members of WSLA putting a sign on their fire number to designate them as members. A winter social was discussed, possibly at a local brewery.

Communications: Bill Samardich informed the board many different companies are out there who could do WSLA website. Facebook posts could be included on our website. Loren stressed to create and keep content fresh. WSLA currently doesn’t have domain name. WSL does have a Facebook account. We will need to determine website’s design. Online payment on website of annual dues is possibility. City publishes a newsletter where WSLA meeting dates could be posted. It was discussed to begin work on a  WSL logo.

Social: If a membership survey is done, it should be brief. WSLA needs to set up budget for this committee. What talent and interest lake residents could volunteer to help with lake issues was discussed and could be included with survey.

Discussion: WSLA needs to set a budget, then it can determine how much annual dues will be. It was agreed to wait on dues amount until there is a budget. It was discussed to possibly establish a reserve account in the budget that can be used to offset future issues like AIS that require finances. 

Water Level/Lakeshore Care: Discussed possibility of including video of Ditch 10 on WSLA website since many lake residents don’t know exactly what it is. Spillway between Red Sand and White Sand was discussed. Beaver dams often prevent water flowing between the lakes. Dan said water from WSL is currently flowing out. WSL does not have watershed district and may we may not want to have one. There was discussion on the need to explain to lake residents how surface water moves. What governmental agencies would be involved with this committee and, publish them on website, Michelle Burris, Laurel Mezner and Loren were suggestions to be included on this committee.

Fisheries: A lake management plan and limits were discussed. Mike Zauhar, Derek Hendrickson, John Zemke possible members of this committee. Bud suggested distributing flyer to ice houses. What ice fishing infractions should be reported to law enforcement was discussed. There is a problem with refuse left from ice houses. Lake residents also need to know they should not be fertilizing lawns with fertilizer that includes phosphorus.

Tabled: After discussion, setting an annual dues amount was tabled until a budget is determined. Brian will email contact information of board members to fellow board members.

Motion to adjourn: Jennifer moved, Loren seconded. Meeting adjourned at about 8:40 p.m.

Next Meeting: 7 p.m. Monday, March 2. WSLA will attempt to meet quarterly or as needed.

Brian Wallace (WSLA President)